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2013.02Information and Network Center and Library merge together and share the same official title, Library & Information Center (LIC). LIC consists of six divisions. Dr. Chenn-Jung Huang is the first director.
2010.08Dr. Chenn-Jung Huang is the fifth director.
2008.08Renames to Information and Network Center.
2006.08Renames to Computer and Network Center.
2004.08Dr. Hsin-Chou Chi is the fourth director.
2004.05Becomes the TWAREN GigaPop in eastern Taiwan.
2002.06Establishes the first IPv6 Ready Campus Network in Taiwan.
2001.06Wins the Best Digital Environment in Public School Award by Digital Times, Taiwan.
1999.02Expands to four divisions, which are Network, R&D, Administrative, and System.
1998.08Dr. Han-Chieh Chao is the third director.
1998.07Becomes the TANet/TANet2 GigaPop in Hualien.
1995.07Dr. S.Y. Kuo is the second director.
1994.07Computer Center with R&D division and Network division, is established. Dr. Wen-Shu Huang is the first director.
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